
“Reality is wrong, dreams are real”

I am a 23 year old animation and VFX student. I have recently realised exactly what I want in my career. Advertisements have always appealed to my creative side and inspired me, its only this year, through researching animation and advertising companies I have realised where my interests within the industry are and always have been. I have understood that I have to work harder out of education to realise my dreams and my potential. I have always studied creative subjects but only ever had a vague idea of what I wanted or what I thought I wanted, I always put work before college. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as I have always worked and learnt a great deal about myself in doing so, but its almost as though I have lead myself away from career I could have through fear of failure but obviously you cant fail if you never try. So the aim of this website is to never allow myself to let everyday life interfere with my goals and show my research into companies; advertisements that have inspired me, show my own work, my own creative concepts and my progression through my university course as I plan to put it before work now.

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