Creative concepts

Beats headphone advertisement

This concept I thought of whilst running when my headphones kept falling out and I could hear all the surrounding noise . I came up with a strap line for beats headphones “no noise, just music. Beats”

I pictured environments where there was a lot of noise like a crowded town centre, a family household with noisy children or anywhere there was too much going on.

I thought in the advertisement there could be a person just wanting to be away from the noise in a couple of these places as they put the headphones in the noise is gone. The beat of the music starts slowly as they leave the environment they were in and its just clear road ahead.

E4 estings advertisement

This could be many things but I  was thinking of having a character as the e4 logo coming out of an office building with a colleague both dressed in suits. Shot from a low angle the e4 character would be composited into the piece. The two characters would be walking and dog would see the e4 character and run directly towards it pick it up and shake it and run away. Leaving the character without the suit and just a brief case to cover himself up. Then a woman screeches “eeeeee Four”.



Compositing concept

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